The show started with CM Punk in the ring and since we were in Chicago you better don't doubt that Punk got the reaction he deserved from his home crowd. Of course it helped that his promo on Randy Orton was great as always, but you don't expect anything less from CM Punk these days. When The Viper finally showed up to confront Punk he selled the knee injury from last week, which provided some nice comments on twitter since we all know that Orton usually is as good in selling an injury as "Super-Cena" is. It didn't do him any good in my eyes however, because even after six weeks of no wrestling alltogether I'm dead for Randy Orton. I just don't buy the guy, never have and never will.
Edge and Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio and Brodus Clay was an okay match if you take into account that I can't stand Del Rio and don't know Clay. But hey, we had E&C back together after six years of abstinence so I actually could tolerate Del Rio in favor of some good tag team action.
The next memorable segment of the show started with The Undertaker walking down the ramp to a huge pop and "Ain't No Grave". Of course Triple H joined in the action was soon as Undertaker was in the ring and because that wasn't enough we also got HBK on top of that. With those three names you knew that this would be good shit and well, it was. It was actually funny to watch Shawn Michaels join the other two men in the ring, around and jumping around while Taker and HHH just stood there and waited for him to finish interacting with the fans.
After that it was just a great promo with Shawn Michaels carrying a big part of it, and winning a lot of people over with this match with his great facial expressions alone. Triple H and The Undertaker should also congratulated on a job well done though and since I can't do this promo justice with words, here it is straight from Youtube:
A big thumbs up also goes to the Chicago crowd that was amazing throughout the whole show both in their reactions and in being a smart wrestling crowd. No matter if it was their hero CM Punk, Undertaker or HBK, they poped huge, had a few very nice chants ("Rocky! Rocky! Rocky!") and also proved that they know their shit when they booed John Cena. Additionally I give props to the guys holding the "Game Over" and "The guy behind me can't see me" signs.
The third big promo of the night of course was The Rock, John Cena and The Miz. Rock again brought the best line of the night by referring to John Cena as "looking like a homless Power Ranger" - you just can't beat that. Furthermore I like the serious and a little bit defiant Cena a lot better than the usual cheesy version that makes gay jokes that aren't funny in the least. Miz of course was great too, especially when he called The Rock and John Cena the O-brothers: overhyped and overrated.
One of the thinsg I wasn't really into however was the ending. Alex Riley and Miz beat up Rock, who of course came back, throw A-Ri out of the ring and delivered the People's Ellbow and The Miz to roar from the Chicago crowd. He didn't see Cena coming at him from behind though, and at a FU AA for the end of the show - it wasn't a bad ending per se, the fact that Miz, who is the WWE Champion for God's sake, was Rock's bitch and practically and afterthought to Cena/Rock again.
Other than that I have nothing to rant about. Yes, the show was very promo heavy, but it was the go home show for Wrestlemania so that was expected. Chicago was a great crowd and the three big promos all delivered - you can't wish for more in the last show before we go to the big stage next Sunday.
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