Sunday, January 30, 2011

1/30/11 Royal Rumble live

I will do a live coverage of this years Royal Rumble here on this blog, starting 8 pm ET a.k.a. 2 am CET. All matches plus the actual Rumble will be one here, so don't miss any of it ;-) Rumored special appearances for the Rumble match are HHH, Christian, Kevin Nash, Booker T, Evan Bourne and "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, plus it is said that we'll also get to see Awesome Kong (probably under another name though) in the Divas Title Match tonight.

Pyro goes off, the Boston crowd is hot and here we go people. The Heavyweight Championship Match is first and The King, Michael Cole and Matt Striker welcome us to the Royal Rumble while Edge makes his way down the ramp. He is followed by Vickie Guerrero who garnerns instant heat from the crowd with her "Excuse me!". She tells us that Edge his disqualified as soon as he uses the Spear and introduces her boyfriend Dolph Ziggler - the match is on, ladies and gentleman.

Edge is dominating early on with 3 near-falls, sending Ziggler into the barricade but he comes back wiht a neckbreaker off the ropes, working onto Edge's neck. They're wrestling in the ring before Edge gains the upper hand again when he sends Ziggler flying into the turnbuckle. There is a really good "Let's go Edge!" chant and the crowd is into it now, even if Edge is not allowed to use the Spear. They both attempt a crossbody, going down and the ref starts counting. No count outs though and shortly after Edge is on the turnbuckle with Ziggler down, though he gets up in time, comes for him and tries to suplex him off. Edge headbutts him down for a 2-count and then goes for a submission move that looks like an incomplete Sharpshooter. Ziggler manages to get the ropes in time though and he has to release him.

With Ziggler down Edge is of course tempted to go for a Spear but he quickly realizes the he can't with Vickie there. He beats down Ziggler a bit and get's him down for another 2-count because Vickie draggs the ref away from behind. Edge of course is not happy with his ex-wife interferring and they have stare-down on the ropes. Vickie slaps Edge with Dolph Ziggler coming for him from behind, but Edge side-steps and he runs into Vickie instead. Ziggler is down and his girlfriend slaps Edge some more who is not happy but knows better than to slap back. Ziggler hits a Zig Zag from behind on Edge who kicks out while Kelly Kelly (random?) comes running down to beat down on Vickie Guerrero. In the ring Ziggler applies the Sleeper Hold on the World Champ who manages to stan up and get him off his back, knocking the referee down in the process. The ref is down now, Vickie is down and the crowd his wild when Edge hits a Spear on Dolph Ziggler.

A lot of near-falls in the second half of this match but Edge hits Christians finisher (if I've seen that right) for the finish and the 3-count. The match is over and Edge has retained. It was slow in the beginning, but the pace picked up big deal in the later half and the crowd was really into it in the end.

We're backstage with Miz and Riley now. Miz recognizes that Michael Cole and Aley Riley helped him win some matches and Riley tells that Miz is going to Wrestlemania as the WWE Champion. Of course Miz has to add that he is the Miz and he is Awsome - well he is, but that's not the point here.

The Voices sound through the arena and of course it's the Miz vs. Randy Orton next. Do I have to mention that the crowd into everything Orton does? Anyway, they're fighting pretty even until Aley Riley attacks Randy Orton from behind while the ref his looking at Miz a.k.a. in the other direction. Orton goes shoulder first into the turnbuckle and the Miz follows up with his running clothesline. Miz is on the offense now for a little and then goes up the turnbuckle but Orton get's up there too and superplexes him off. It's "vintage" Orton now as Cole reminds us until Miz manages to send him over the ropes and of course Alex Riley is there to do some dirty work.

Outside the ring Randy Oorton goes head first into the turnbuckle and the ref start's counting him out. He's back before 10 though and get's his usual offense on Miz - thank you so much Matt Striker for calling it powerslam and not coope slam like some idiot known as Michael Col does! He's starting to hear voices and does his well-known Orton-stamp on Miz on the floor. The end comes when the New Nexus (minus CM Punk) suddenly come down the ramp, distracting the ref long enough for Riley to try and sneak up on Orton. But the Viper notices and sends him flying to the floor into Nexus and referee who all five go down. Out of nowhere CM Punk comes from behind, feeds a GTS to Randy Orton and pulls Miz over the liveless Viper. The ref's back in the ring now while Punk hides under the ring and 1, 2, 3 the Miz retains his Championship.

We get a short statement regarding why Cody Rhodes isn't in the Rumble anymore. Rey Mysterio apparently broke his nose ad Cody is highly offended that Mysterio didn't aplogize to him, because his career his now in jeopardy. Poor baby smell the irony just here?

Next is the Divas Title Match but before the match starts the GM mails in saying “I get a lot of complaints about how annoying Michael Cole is…”and therefore he doesn't want any more complaints about LayCool. The match is now a Fatal 4-Way with Natalya, Layla, Michelle McCool and, not Awesome Kong but Eve. Only God knows how she of all people got in there. They tease LayCool attacking each other at some point when Natalya and Eve are out, but it doesn't happen. But we get a nice spot with Natalya applying a double-Sharpshooter on both Eve and Layla that is broken up by Michelle. Eve get's the pinfall over Layla ...I thought they were going somewhere with the women once, but obviously not. Sigh.

Backstage we get a brawl with the Bella's, Daniel Bryan and Gail Kim who also can't tell the twins apart. It starts their feud I presume.

We get the Rumble facts now.

The #1 entrie is the New nexus leader CM Punk. #2 is ...the Corre? All nine Corre and Nexus members get in the ring all together and what the fuck is going on here? The GM seems to agree with me, saying that CM Punk is the only legal man in the match and the every other guy has to go back to the locker room to not get disqualified from the Rumble match. The real #2 entrie is Daniel Bryan and we get some great wrestling by both guys here with a "CM Punk" vs. "Daniel Bryan" chant battle for a few seconds. #3 is Justin Gabriel from the Corre. He tries to hit the 450 Splash on CM Punk who rolls out of the way. Daniel Bryan eliminates Gabriel. The intervals seem very fast with #4 being Zack Ryder. Bryan throws him out and we're back to Bryan and Punk.

#5 is William Regal and you notice from the good wrestling that there are only great workers in the ring. Entrie #6 is Ted DiBiase who seems to be in there despite having the flu. He tries to eliminate CM Punk who hangs on. Daniel Bryan interferes but DiBiase manages to avoid elimiation. #7 is John Morrison who get's offense on all four guys in the ring. He fights a bit with DiBiase who tries to throw him but but Morrison hangs on the barricade, his feet not touching the ground. Amazing spot. Morrison walks on the barricade and jumps on the steal setps to get back in the ring while William Regal is eliminated by Ted DiBiase. #8 is Yoshi Tatsu.

Next in is Husky Harris at #9 and he's also youngest participant this Rumble at age 26. He protects his leader CM Punk from the other guys, taking a few kicks and fists. #10 is Chavo Guerrero who gets some offense on CM Punka and Ted DiBiase while Morrison works on Husky in the corner. Chavo and Bryan start suplexing each other and there are seven man in the ring when the "threat to win" Mark Henry comes in at #11 to a round of headbutts. Chavo is thrown out by the World's Strongest Man with Yoshi Tatsu being is next victim and in comes JTG at #12. He's followed by another New Nexus member with Michael McGillicutty at #13 who throws out JTG. McGillitcutty and Harris double team on DiBiase who is out next. #14 is Chris Masters ...and there's Nexus member number three with David Otunga at #15. Bryan and Masters are eliminated by Nexus next. They try and succeed in throwing out John Morrison and then Mark Henry. Bye Johnny. #16 is Tyler and Reks and he doesn't fare better than the guys before him when he is thrown out by Nexus in no time.

#17 is Vladimir Kozlov and #18 R-Truth who are both fodder for The New Nexus. #19 is Great Kahlie and see ya Husky Harris. But we get Mason Ryan in exchange at #20 who exchances blows with Khalie before throwing him out. And your number #21 is ...Booker T! He roughs up Nexus a little and nearly elimiates CM Punk but of course is stopped in time and thrown out by Mason Ryan. Next is #22 John Cena who si happy to say goodbye to Mason Ryan, David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty. He goes after Punk and they exchange blows but no elimination. #23 is Hornswoggle who taunts CM Punka and get's kicked in the head as thank you. Cena manages to throw CM Punk out with an AA and helps Hornwswoggle up. In as #24 is Tyson Kidd who is beaten up by both, even eating a mini-AA by Hornswoggle - no joke. Tyson is out.

Entrie number #25 is Heath Slater form the Corre. Cena beats him up, both he and Hornswoggle do a double-5-Knuckle-Shuffle on him and there you go Slater. #26 is Kofi Kingston who faces of with Cena while the little man looks on. No elimination until #27 Jack Swagger comes down to the ring. He gets offense on both Cena and Kingston and says that he's going to Wretlemania ...dream on, Swagger. Boom Drop by Kingston on Swagger with a little help from Hornswoggle. He mocks #28 Sheamus and hit Sweet Shin Music only to be thrown own by the pale fella. #29 is Rey Mysterio who hits some moves on Swagger, Cena and Sheamus, setting Swagger up for the 619. Sheamus stopps him though and tries to throw Mysterio out to no avail. Rey manages to hit a 619 on Jack Swagger who is now out.

From the Corre it is Wade Barret at #30 who of course faces of with John Cena. Nobody goes out until Doplh Ziggler is entrie #31 and goes right after Kofi Kingston. Barrett and Cena both evade near elimination by a group of the other guys.

#32 is Kevin Nash as Diesel who towers over everyone and gets some punchs here. A huge "Diesel" chant breaks out. Sheamus and #33 Drew McInytre double-team on Diesel and Rey Mysterio hits a 619 on him, but still no elimination. Down the ramp next comes the still WWE Champion the Miz with his apprentice Alex Riley as #34. Diesel is eliminated while Miz goes to join the commentators. Big Show elimiates Dolph Ziggler and Kofi Kingston and John Cena team up to throw out Alex Riley. #35 Ezekiel Jackson eliminates the Big Show. Drew McIntyre is out too. Santino is #37 and already lasts longer than at his last Rumble - which was one second. Barrett and Zecke nearly manage to throw out John Cena who hangs on.

Driving in as #38 is Alberto Del Rio who get's beaten up before he is even in the ring by #39 Randy Orton. The Viper deals out RKOs and throw out Kofi Kingston and Sheamus. #40 is ...Kane! He exchanges blows with Ezekiel Jackson who goes over the top rope a few instants later. Mysterio eliminates Kane and his thrown out seconds later by Wade Barrett.

Alberto Del Rio, Wade Barrett, John Cena and Randy Orton are the final four ...I don't like that. No, I really don't like that. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment on Randy Orton but eats a boot from Wade Barrett. He hits it on Del Rio though, while Orton his handling Barrett. The Miz eliminates John Cena! There you have your Wrestlemania main event! Congratulations Miz! Randy Orton is on fire now (or coiled up, whatever you wanna call it I guess) and throws out Wade Barrett. Del Rio comes from behind and ...oh crap, no, please no... fuck, Del Rio throws out Orton. Del Rio- no he still didn't win, because suddenly there is Santino from out of nowhere with the Cobra. It doesn't help though, because he goes over the top rope only instants later. That's it, we have a winner.

Your Royal Rumble 2011 winner: Alberto Del Rio

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