Saturday, April 2, 2011

Undertakers Streak at Wrestlemania 2.0

More than a half year ago I wrote a (not so) little piece about Taker's Streak at Wrestlemania and since it's that time of the year again that article has been the most watched enterie of this blog for the better part of the last two months. Since half a year is a decade in wrestling however the post isn't really up to date anymore, so I decided to again do a little something on the legendary Streak on the brink of Wrestlemania XXVII.

When I wrote that last article The Undertakers match with Shawn Michaels was still pretty fresh in my mind, actually both of them were. Even to this day this hasn't changed, because Wrestlemania 26 was the first one I really experienced as a fan and therefore every other one that is to come will have to live up to it - or to the 'Taker vs. HBK match, to be precise. So can any future match in the Streak top what we had at the last two Manias? Hell no.

But, honestly, it doesn't have to. What Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker had was one of a kind, you cannot copy the emotional rollercoster they put the fans (no, I will not utter the bad U-word. Ever.) through, if only because it will be hard to find a man that will be as good an opponent to 'Taker as good ol' HBK was. The WWE can try though, and they obviously do as we can see form the Undertaker vs. Triple H match - I mean that as a compliment.

First of all you have to give Vince McMahon and the company credits for getting anyone interested in a match between a guy that hasn't wrestled since Bragging Rights last year and another who wasn't on the active roster since Extreme Rules last year. That is more than five months since 'Takers last match and close to a year for Triple H. Just think about that for a minute.

Now of course 'Taker vs. HHH isn't perfect - it will never even scratch at the matches Hunters buddy HBK had with The Undertaker - but you have to work with what you have and in that regart it was possibly the best choice to make.

Half a year back I listed four possible opponents for 'Taker to face to make the Streak 20-0 next year: John Cena, Triple H, Chris Jericho and Kane. Shortly after that we got the dreaded feud between Kane and Undertaker again and Kane proved with is amazing mic-work that this doesn't have to be as boring as we thought it would be - but also eliminated a possible match at Wrestlemania 27 with it, because we all knew that the WWE wouldn't drag this feud out for so many months. Chris Jericho is now on hiatus for only God knows how long, what leaves John Cena and Triple H.

If I have to guess John Cena will be Undertakers final opponent for the 20-0 next year before 'Taker retires for good from wrestling, but that's another twelve months into the future which means that there isn't a guarantee for anything yet. Triple H however is the not so distant future as in 1 day and 1 hour until Wrestlemania 27 so even the WWE has no way of cancelling the match now ;-)

Will The Undertaker vs. Triple H - The Phenom vs. The Game - be a good match? That obviously depends on how you define a good match. Will he have spots never seen in a ring before, "Oh my God!" moments that will never be forgotton or a bout that will have us staring with our mouths agape because the in-ring quality of the match is that amazing? Most likely not. Yes, I don't doubt for a moment that as to veterans they will have a rather good match, but it won't be that match, the one everyone can't stop talking about the next day because of how great it was like we experienced with Taker vs. HBK ...well, it doesn't have to be.

No one expects wonders from this match-up like they did last year and the year before, and in a way that removes a big bit of pressure from both men. They will still give their best to make this match worth every dollar people spend on it, but it is probably nice to know for them that they are not in the main spot and have to make the impossible possible, so to speak.

An important point is that Undertaker and Triple H can make up for a possible lack of in-ring action with the vibe they created around the match. The build of this feud admittedly wasn't that great until last Monday, but together with Shawn Michaels they managed to get a lot of the fans interested in a match that practically no one really cared about up until then. Now we have the possibility of HBK playing a role in what will happen tomorrow and even if that chance isn't big it is still there and that is all that matters. With that and the fact that people now care how this match will run down the chance we'll be well entertained is very good right now.

Of course The Undertaker will win against Triple H, but let's be realistic: does anyone really expect anything else, especially after HBK lost twice? I don't think so, but I also don't think that we can't enjoy it nonetheless. In matches like this one - were neither guy really has to lose anything and no title is on the line - we can just lean back and enjoy the ride, so to speak... and if nothing else that is what counts at Wrestlemania.

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