After Smackdown the final eight participants are out now and since I won't be there next week to review the show due to what you can call an involuntary vacation, I'm going to do a preview/forecast today. There will be four matches in the Quaterfinals, two in the Semifinals and one final match. Since I think it will be one Smackdown wrestler against one guy from Raw a time, that's how I did the Quaterfinals.
The participants for the first four matches were chosen randomly by (great site) so I didn't have a say in these. After that the winner of match 1 is up against the winner of match 2 and the winners of 3 and 4 will also face each other.
Participants: Sheamus, John Morrison, Ezekiel Jackson, Daniel Bryan & Cody Rhodes, Kofi Kingston, Alberto Del Rio, Drew McIntyre
Cody Rhodes vs. Sheamus
This is a close call. Cody Rhodes got A new gimmick as "The Dashing One" and someone in Creative/Management/wherever is obviously high on him, but Sheamus got pushed down our throats quite a lot in the beginning of the year. They hype about him obviously settled down now that 2010 draws to a close, but he is still one of the mayor players on Raw. I say he wins simply because I think the Irishman his better champion material than Rhodes - even if we're only talking about King of the Ring.
Kofi Kingston vs. John Morrison
That's one interesting match I'd say. These guys have similiar styles what could make this match either very good or very bad, also depending on the time they get to tell some nice story. Oh, and they are both faces, so the reality of this match happening is pretty slim - it would more likely be Rhodes vs. Morrison and Kingston vs. the resident ghost ...but hey, the match-up wasn't my decision to make. I'm going with Morrison as the winner by the way.
Ezekiel Jackson vs. Alberto Del Rio
Err... squash? I think that pretty much sums this one up. Ezekiel has gotten something that can be called a push in WWE standarts, but Alberto Del Rio got the push, so Jacksons chance of winning is about zero. Bad luck on Big Zeke's side, but Del Rio definitely has this match in the bag.
Drew McIntyre vs. Daniel Bryan
Let's be honest here: Daniel Bryan doesn't need to be King of the Ring. That probably sounds hard, but he is as over with the WWE audience as someone like him can be. People will cheer for him no matter if he wins the tournament or not. McIntyre on the other hand isn't that over (I dare say no midcarder is as over as Bryan) and the closest the got to a title in a while was the Tag Team Championship with Rhodes - and we all know that those titles mean shit these days. But whoever wins against Daniel
Sheamus vs. John Morrison
At least now we have standart heal vs. face matches again. It's the human jar of Mayonnaise against JoMo and it's not like we haven't seen this match-up before - doesn't mean it can't be interesting. Their other match was pretty good and there is no reason this can't be too. Morrison needs to be one of the top guys in this tournament way more than Sheamus and that's the only reason the wins this thing.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Daniel Bryan
Like I said before, Bryan in my opinion is only in this tournament to make other wrestlers look good (and we all know that he can definitely do that). So if there is someone WWE wants to look good at any rate it's Alberto Del Rio. That will probably be the longest match of the night, even longer than the final one. It'll probably be the best match, too. Del Rio obviously wins.
John Morrison vs. Alberto Del Rio
Last match of the night is Morrison vs. Alberto Del Rio and I honestly didn't think it would end like this, but whatever... I don't like Del Rio, his character is like long dead fish to me: tastes like crap and stinks to high heaven. The only thing I want to do when I see this guy is lock him an Michael Cole up in a room together and hope that they kill each other simultaneously. But this is about wrestling (or at least it should be) and even if I hate Alberto Del Rio I can't deny that many love him. So yeah, he wins because he is high with the higher ups. Sorry Morrison, but former Dos Caras Jr. is our new King of the Ring 2010.