Welcome to the next round of my Match of the Year column. This time I am going to review a FCW match between Kaval and Daniel Bryan and a match that was on Raw earlier this year between The Undertaker and Jack Swagger. The matches were picked randomly, feel free to post your opinion on them.
Kaval vs. Daniel Bryan at 2/07 FCW (ca. 9:00)
A match between Kaval and Daniel Bryan on FCW and people were surprised that it was good. Seriously, if it had been a match between Low Ki and Bryan Danielson on ROH everyone would have been surprised if it was bad. That said it was a good match. Wade Barrett was on commentary and did his job well, you really noticed how good of a talker he is there.
I was pleasantly surprised that the commentators actually aknowledged the fact that Kaval and Bryan had matches, lots of them, before they met on FCW. WWE never does it because admitting that their "performers" have a history past the company is an absolute no-go - they still casually advertise Mick Foley's new book and therefore TNA but that seems to be completely another story.
The match had had some great technical elements and both Kaval and Bryan showed some very innovative moves here. Daniel Bryan displayed incredible flexibility, especially when he did a back arch on his toes with Kaval pretty much sitting on his chest. Doing that needs a lot of strength in the legs and abs, let me assure you of that.
Furthermore we had a really nice spot when Bryan jumped from the turnbuckle on Kaval on the floor and Kaval got his feet up to hit Danielson in the chest/shoulder area. That lucked like it hurt a lot which also has something to do with the great selling Bryan did. The guy can sell like Jericho, Bourne and Shawn Michaels, and Michaels could virtually sell anything.
Over all there was a high display of flexibility from Daniel Bryan and some good looking, high flying, offense from Kaval who did a few great kicks combined with fast movements. Kaval wins the match with a Ghetto Stomp - the move is known as the "Warrior's Way" in WWE but I for the love of God can't memorize that name.
My opinion: These two guys showed that they are indeed "two of the best technical wrestlers in the world" as Wade Barrett so nicely pointed out. They however could have done better with a larger audience that could have gotten behind the match. This way it lacked the feeling that would have made it big otherwise.
Rating: ***1/4
MotY: Out. It was a good match for what it was, but no Match of the Year.
The Undertaker vs. Jack Swagger at 4/19 RAW (ca. 15:00)
The Undertaker and Jack Swagger played a nice story here. The young champion Swagger thinks he can take down the famous Undertaker, who is 18-0 at Wrestlemania. The crowd is behind Taker of course, chanting for him throughout the the match. "Swagger, you don't wanna get into a punching contest with the Undertaker.", truth said by Cole here.
Somewhere shortly after the start they were oustide the ring for a while, where Taker sent Swagger face first into the steel steps, who in return sent him shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Swagger continued to work on the Undertakers legs during the whole match, trying to slow him down. Taker of course had none of it and responded with his fists, an Old School and the mandatory Legdrop - Cole for once was actually right when he called that move ~VINTAGE.
At one point both of them were in the ring and exchanging blows and the crowd really marked out whenever Taker hit a punch on Swagger - that was probably a better reaction than Cena ever got. After that the Undertaker dominated the match, beating down on his younger opponent, but Swagger managed to break the count at 2. Pissed off, Taker teased the Chokeslam, but Jack Swagger actually fought out and was rewarded with a big boot to the face.
Swagger was on the offense for a shot time after that, even getting a near fall. He went for a jump from the ropes but was caught and ate a Chokeslam right away. Taker was really selling the leg after that, limping through the ring while Swagger was still on the floor. But it didn't help the then World Heavyweight Champion much, because Taker hit a Tombstone righter afterwards... and because Swagger is no Shawn Michaels he didn't kick out of that one - that's the win for the Undertaker. Hasta la vista, Jack Swagger.
My opinion: Anyone who thought that Jack Swagger would win here clearly never saw an Undertaker match. But it was still okay. They had some nice back and forth action and both man could show their offense. Taker sold the leg pretty well and the match had a good pace, too. It helped a lot that the crowd was so into it, because that sure gave the match a vibe that the Kaval vs. Bryan one didn't poses.
Rating: **1/2 - **3/4
MotY: Out. They delivered a solid performance, but it was nowhere near MotY.
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