Tuesday, September 7, 2010

9/6/10 Raw

I typed my thoughts of Raw about an hour ago... meanwhile blogspot decided to log me out and not save what I wrote down. I don't have the time to do it again though (at least in lenght).

It was one of the better shows. There was some good wrestling with Jericho vs Morrison and a Cena vs Justin Gabriel match. The Divas where in there too, some Edge & Khalie for the fun and Randy Orton and Wade Barrett did the "main event". Chris Jericho and John Morrison did a good 10 minute match that Morrison won with a Starship Pain that actually connected AND looked quite painful.

Chris Jericho got a rather loud Y2J chant when he left the ring. He is a really good actor, the guy looked actually done with. He had another segment later that was backstage with Josh Matthews and Morrison. Jericho starred into nothingness quite convincing.

We had some nice action between The Miz and Daniel Bryan. 19 minute promo by Miz with good work on both sides. I'm excited for their title match at Night of Champions.

The Miz and Alicia Fox both goofed their lines. It surprised me because it's rare for Miz to blow his promos. Miz said to Daniel Bryan that he "stole his place on Smackdown" (obviously meaning SummerSlam) and Alicia talked about becoming the "undefined" Women's Champion (meaning unified of course).

Can Randy Orton be any more over then he is currently? Cena has nothing on Orton if you compare crowd reactions. Best example was the battle of "Let's go Cena!" and "Cena sucks" chants later in the show. Randy got a huge pop when he delivered his RKOs at the end of the show. No mixed reactions for him.

Sign of the day

I got it from The Wrestling Blog. Not mine.

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